
A well-known real estate giant that constructs residential properties for retirement, personal care, assisted living and memory care needs help in ascertaining the profitability of company as individual units rather than organization as a whole. They need to integrate areas of fixed assets, finance and controlling, sales and distribution, project management and plant maintenance. As standard ERP system is not capable of answering these questions, customer was looking for implementation of SAP Real Estate Management (SAP RE-FX).


Identification of existing business processes and blueprint for TO-BE processes. Gap Analysis of the reports, modules which are not in existing system. Enhancement of Standard SAP Programs to meet customer specific requirements. Designed & Developed various reports using Object Oriented Technology for Rental Unit Transfer, Project Consumption, Order Processing, Purchase Requisition & Contracts. Data Conversions for Real Estate master data uploads. Designed complex forms for checks, invoices, sales orders, legal agreements, demand letters. Created and managed all types of real estate objects, including business entity, land, building, rental unit, and rental room objects. Integrated asset management postings and reports, real estate controlling and planning.

Key Benefits

Improved forecasting for construction projects of all sizes. Reduced costs for meeting legal compliance reporting. Better visibility, greater process standardization and integration. Keep projects on track, and closely monitor budgets. Improve quality and availability of information across enterprise.

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